Because the Napoleon 200 boys are fighting Bailen next year, I have the task of painting up a division of Spaniards. For some reason my collection has no Spaniards it, which is a shame because they are very colourful, I will track my progress here.



Here is the OOB for Reding's ist Division; the numbers are figures to be painted

3rd Bn Walloon Guards ..........21
Reina Regt ..........................20
1st Bn Corona Regt ...............11
2nd Bn Corona Regt ..............10

Half 1st Bn Barbastro Regt......8
1/3rd Bn Swiss Regt...............14
2/3rd Bn Swiss Regt...............14
1st Bn Jaen Regt...................12
2nd Bn Jaen Regt .................12

12th Montesa & 6th Farnesio Regts..8
2nd Dragones de la Reina Regt........6

1st Horse Bty.....6

1st Bn Irlanda Regt .............16
2nd Bn Irlanda Regt.............15
3rd Bn Irlanda Regt .............15
Jaen Militia Bn ....................13
Cazadores of Antequera Regt..9
Tejas Regt..........................11
Granada Regt......................13
1st Field Bty........................4 (probably pulled by Oxen)

Olivenza Cazador Regts........6
Utrera y Jerez Lancer Regt.....3

That's 209 Infantry, 23 Cavalry and 10 gunners


Walloon Guard


Reina Regiment


Corona Regiment


Swiss Regiment


Jaen Regiment


Irlanda Regiment


Geurillas used for Levies


Jaen Militia


Dragoon Regiment


Line Cavalry Regiment

